Monday, July 2, 2007

Zatoichi by Takshi Kitano aka BEAT Takeshi




My rate: 8.5/10

This is one of Takeshi Kitano's newest film, it is a remake of an old classic Japanese samurai drama, the blind swordsman - Zatoichi.

The plot is quite simple, the hero Zatoichi travels into a town controlled by a bunch of gangsters; the gangsters hired this YOJIMBO (bodyguard) that is highly skilled and is dedicated to provide his wife proper health care that comes with high cost.

However, the plot isn't really relevant, the most important feature in this film is still the good ol' Takeshi's direction along with the subtle coolness of the actors.

The action is spectacular, the fight scenes are quite unique in the sense that it incorporates the real Japanese samurai fightings. Unlike traditional Chinese Kung-Fu fightings, the fight scenes in this movie demonstrated real fightings in the old times in Japan, almost every kill you find in the movie will not involve more than 5 draws of the sword. I find this movie closely resembles the comic: Vagabond by Inoue. Where most samurais finish their opponents with one or two blows from the sword.

The CG effect, particularly from the blood was not as realistic, but it adds the effect in a way to convince audience that, "Damn, that must've hurt!", and in this sense, it's all good, because you don't really need to question all fight sequences in a way that all physical damages must make sense, I mean, come on, you don't want to see a katana stuck in a human body while the person who executed the attack was a legendary swordsman.

The acting was fabulous. I love the Yojimbo, I don't konw his name but I know he is in Ichi the Killer, his performance as a skilled bodyguard was great. The way he drew his swords and the attitude he gave before slaying his victims were quite convincing as a real swordsman.

Another great feature in this film is the music and dances. Kitano was known to be fond of tap dancing, this time, he invited The Stripes as the main choreographers in the movie. Through out the film, viewers get to see and hear unique and creative sound effects and absolutely breath taking tap dancing sequences as seen above. This adds so much more to the movie.

Overall, I love the concept of this movie as an entertaining film, and I recommend anyone who has some free time who enjoys the Kitano style film to just sit back and enjoy this short story of a lone swordsman.

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