Wednesday, July 4, 2007



Newest Trailer

My rate: 9.0

Being the expected greatest box-office movie for the summer, I'd say it definitely lived up to many people's expectations. Easily one of the most action-packed and entertaining film for the year.

The action sequences are breath-taking; I don't know why I just get that chill when I see the autobots transforms each and every time, it doesn't really get old, perhaps the reason is due to the director Michale Bay's incorporation many creative camera angles in the films. I don't want to spoil it but expect to see speed, action, fights, slow-mo, explosions for a huge part of the film!

Another thing worth mentioning is the humor. Aside from all seriousness from the story line, the our protagonist: Sam (played by Shia LaBeouf) did a fabulous job portraying a witty, nerdy teenage boy who just happened to encounter Bumble bee. Through out the movies many relaxing humorous moments will intertwine the intense actions, which leaves the audience with non-stop entertainment.

The plot was quite simple; I've never really watched the original Transformer cartoons, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out what is going on with the film, the theme is simple as the poster suggests: "Some come to destroy us, some come to protect.", it's a plain ol' good vs. evil thing, however, for the most part, the old school Transformer heads all pretty much agreed that the personalities and characteristics matched pretty well from the movie, so more power to Michael Bay.

Overall, it is definitely worthed the $10 dollars spent and time waiting in line; if you want a true entertaining film, this is one to go for! The film is action, humor, love, soldiers, robots, laser beams, fighting in Cities, air craft chasing, speed and all Transformer!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And Megan Fox...